ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Standard Head | Head Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Fish Head | Head Common | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Rounded Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Shark Head | Head Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
5 | Long Head | Head Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
6 | Bird Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Canine Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Feline Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Frog Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Eastern Dragon Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Parrot Head | Head Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
12 | Upturned Head | Head Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Alligator Head | Head Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Melon Head | Head Rare | AluneTune | Inside of mouth usually has seed-shaped markings. Not real seeds, but this is a melon head. Can have different melon shapes or patterns. Furless head trait. | |
15 | Blocky Head | Head Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
16 | Hognose Head | Head Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
17 | Crested Head | Head Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
18 | Iguanodon Head | Head Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
19 | Spino Head | Head Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
20 | Bat Head | Head Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Owl Head | Head Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Spikenose Head | Head Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
23 | Hookjaw Head | Head Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
24 | Beetle Head | Head Rare | Jragon | Most often shaped like that of a Hercules beetle, can also often be shaped after others such as stag beetles. | |
25 | Worm Head | Head Rare | dragonlover1089 | Oh worm! | |
26 | Glass Jar Head | Head Mythical | AluneTune | Can be all sorts of different types of glass, can be opaque/tinted transparent, and can have liquid contained inside. This head trait has no fur, and can be damaged/cracked, but it takes a lot of force to do so. | |
27 | Thunderspike Head | Head Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
28 | Goo Head | Head Mythical | Jragon | N/A | |
29 | Agama Head | Head Mythical | Skarath | N/A | |
30 | Pumpkin Head | Head Event | AluneTune | Inside of mouth usually glows. Furless head trait, not fragile. | |
31 | Mandible Head | Head Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Raven Head | Head Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Pinecone Head | Head Event | Jragon | N/A | |
34 | Spider Head | Head Event | Jragon | N/A | |
35 | Helicoprion Head | Head Event | Skarath | Dragons with this head trait are indeed capable of sucking in their lower jaw. | |
36 | Mimic Head | Head Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Classic Crest | Crest Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Notched Crest | Crest Common | Jragon | N/A | |
3 | Uneven Crest | Crest Common | Jragon | N/A | |
4 | Nubs Crest | Crest Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
5 | Frilled Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Leaf Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Ghost Butterfly Crest | Crest Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Feeler Crest | Crest Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Antlers Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Dragon Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Goo Crest | Crest Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
12 | Petal Crest | Crest Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
13 | Devil Crest | Crest Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
14 | Feather Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Plated Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
16 | Succulent Crest | Crest Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
17 | Shark Crest | Crest Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Tendril Frill Crest | Crest Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Seaflower Crest | Crest Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
20 | Icicle Crest | Crest Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Axolotl Crest | Crest Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
22 | Long Crest | Crest Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
23 | Tiny Crest | Crest Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
24 | Spiky Crest | Crest Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
25 | Dual Dragon Crest | Crest Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
26 | Cobra Crest | Crest Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
27 | Phoenix Crest | Crest Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
28 | Para Crest | Crest Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
29 | Maned Crest | Crest Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
30 | Soulflower Crest | Crest Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
31 | Peacock Crest | Crest Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Gem Crest | Crest Mythical | Jragon | N/A | |
33 | No Crest | Crest Mythical | Jragon | N/A | |
34 | Medusa Crest | Crest Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
35 | Candycane Crest | Crest Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
36 | Heart Crest | Crest Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
37 | Spider Crest | Crest Event | Jragon | N/A | |
38 | Snowflake Crest | Crest Event | Jragon | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Two Eyes | Eye Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Three Eyes | Eye Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
3 | One Kitten Ear Eye | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
4 | Two Kitten Ear Eyes | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
5 | Three Kitten Ear Eyes | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
6 | One Box Eye | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
7 | Two Box Eyes | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
8 | Three Box Eyes | Eye Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
9 | One Sharp Eye | Eye Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Two Sharp Eyes | Eye Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Three Sharp Eyes | Eye Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
12 | Half-Star Eyes | Eye Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
13 | One Eye | Eye Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
14 | One Lashed Eye | Eye Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
15 | Two Lashed Eyes | Eye Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
16 | Three Lashed Eyes | Eye Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
17 | One Vertical Eye | Eye Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Two Vertical Eyes | Eye Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Three Vertical Eyes | Eye Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
20 | One Diamond Eye | Eye Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Two Diamond Eyes | Eye Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Three Diamond Eyes | Eye Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | No Eyes | Eye Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | The dragon has no eyes on its head. Incompatible with all eye traits, pupil traits, and Open Eyes/One-Open Eye mutations. Is compatible with Body Eyes and Eye Wings. | |
24 | Central Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
25 | Central Kitten Ear Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
26 | Central Box Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
27 | Central Sharp Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
28 | Central Lashed Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
29 | Central Horizontal Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
30 | Central Diamond Eye | Eye Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead. Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
31 | Spider Eyes | Eye Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | One Button Eye | Eye Event | AluneTune | N/A | |
33 | Two Button Eyes | Eye Event | AluneTune | N/A | |
34 | Triangle Eyes | Eye Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
35 | Slug Feeler Eyes | Eye Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Classic Pupils | Pupil Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | No Pupils | Pupil Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Slit Pupils | Pupil Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Goo Pupils | Pupil Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
5 | Frog Pupils | Pupil Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Shape Pupils | Pupil Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Ringed Pupils | Pupil Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Broken Heart Pupils | Pupil Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
9 | Plus Pupils | Pupil Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Seafoam Pupils | Pupil Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
11 | Mosaic Pupils | Pupil Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
12 | Compound Pupils | Pupil Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
13 | Polycoria Pupils | Pupil Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Button Pupils | Pupil Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Googly Eye Pupils | Pupil Rare | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
16 | Phantom Pupils | Pupil Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
17 | Galaxy Pupils | Pupil Mythical | AluneTune | N/A | |
18 | Empty Pupils | Pupil Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Static Pupils | Pupil Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
20 | Checkerboard Pupils | Pupil Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Glitching Pupils | Pupil Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Bloodshot Pupils | Pupil Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Liquid Pupils | Pupil Event | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
24 | Swirly Pupils | Pupil Event | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
25 | Leaf Pupils | Pupil Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Forked Tongue | Tongue Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Simple Tongue | Tongue Common | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Smooth Tongue | Tongue Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
4 | Plant Tongue | Tongue Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
5 | Gilded Tongue | Tongue Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Gap Tongue | Tongue Uncommon | Skarath | N/A | |
7 | Frog Tongue | Tongue Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Serrated Tongue | Tongue Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Snake Tongue | Tongue Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Split Tongue | Tongue Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Engorged Tongue | Tongue Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
12 | Double Tongue | Tongue Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Quad-Forked Tongue | Tongue Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Arrow Tongue | Tongue Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Sundew Tongue | Tongue Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
16 | Long Tongue | Tongue Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
17 | Grabber Tongue | Tongue Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Eye Tongue | Tongue Event | Skarath | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Average Horns | Horns Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Ram Horns | Horns Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Medium Horns | Horns Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
4 | Gilded Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
5 | Curving Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Trio Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Triceratops Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Devil Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Dragon Horns | Horns Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
10 | Steampunk Horns | Horns Uncommon | N/A | ||
11 | Single Rhino Horn | Horns Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
12 | Double Rhino Horn | Horns Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
13 | Snail Horns | Horns Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
14 | Loop Horns | Horns Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Insect Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
16 | Moth Antennae Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
17 | Crown Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Ice Crown Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Antler Horns | Horns Rare | BillySketch | N/A | |
20 | Dual Horns | Horns Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
21 | Spiky Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Fish Tail Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Mushroom Horns | Horns Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
24 | Bull Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
25 | Twisting Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
26 | Sprout Horns | Horns Rare | Skarath | N/A | |
27 | Long Horns | Horns Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
28 | War Horns | Horns Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
29 | Entwined Horns | Horns Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
30 | No Horns | Horns Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
31 | Unicorn Horn | Horns Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
32 | Barbed Horns | Horns Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Qilin Horns | Horns Mythical | Howlite | N/A | |
34 | Oni Horns | Horns Mythical | Howlite | N/A | |
35 | Tendril Horns | Horns Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
36 | Petal Horns | Horns Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
37 | Bat Wing Horns | Horns Event | Jragon | N/A | |
38 | Candycane Horns | Horns Event | Jragon | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Bubble Boba | Boba Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Leaf Boba | Boba Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Gemstone Boba 1 | Boba Common | AluneTune | N/A | |
4 | Berry Boba | Boba Common | ObsinBrightclaw | Not edible. Trust me. | |
5 | Insect Boba | Boba Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Gemstone Boba 2 | Boba Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
7 | Single-Shape Boba | Boba Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | Can be any simple 2D shape, eg. Square, heart, star, etc. | |
8 | Multi-Shape Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Same as Single-Shape Boba, except allows more than one simple shape. | |
9 | Lava Lamp Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Flower Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Fish Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Note: Not real fish! They move through the tail goop in a way that appears real, but they're made of the same stuff as any other boba. | |
12 | Mixed-Berry Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Also not edible. | |
13 | Shroom Boba | Boba Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | No, it's still not edible. | |
14 | Plasma Boba | Boba Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Shard Boba | Boba Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
16 | Diamond Boba 1 | Boba Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
17 | Constellation Boba | Boba Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Shell Boba | Boba Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Soul Boba | Boba Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
20 | Galaxy Boba | Boba Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Diamond Boba 2 | Boba Mythical | AluneTune | N/A | |
22 | Glitchy Boba | Boba Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Fairy Boba | Boba Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
24 | Blood Boba | Boba Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
25 | Candycorn Boba | Boba Event | AluneTune | N/A | |
26 | Round Candy Boba | Boba Event | AluneTune | N/A | |
27 | Square Candy Boba | Boba Event | AluneTune | N/A | |
28 | Snowflake Boba | Boba Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
29 | Heart Candy Boba | Boba Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
30 | Ornament Boba | Boba Event | Jragon | N/A | |
31 | Bell Boba | Boba Event | Jragon | N/A | |
32 | Bat Boba | Boba Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Eyeball Boba | Boba Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Standard Tail | Tail Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Eel Tail | Tail Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Gecko Tail | Tail Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Short Tail | Tail Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
5 | Bob Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Fox Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Strawberry Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Aquatic Tail | Tail Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Curled Tail | Tail Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Spiky Tail | Tail Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Whip Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
12 | Grub Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Axolotl Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Chameleon Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Fish Tail | Tail Uncommon | BillySketch | N/A | |
16 | Sundew Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
17 | Wolf Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Shiba Inu Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Pig Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
20 | Heart Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Mushroom Tail | Tail Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
22 | Anklyo Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Larva Tail | Tail Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
24 | Rat Tail | Tail Uncommon | Sparkysandy | N/A | |
25 | Startip Tail | Tail Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
26 | Succulent Tail | Tail Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
27 | Jellyfish Tail | Tail Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
28 | Long Tail | Tail Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
29 | Firebug Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
30 | Ocean Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
31 | Bud Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Comet Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Pomeranian Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
34 | Cascade Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
35 | Flytrap Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
36 | Scorpion Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
37 | Lion Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
38 | Horse Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
39 | Chihuahua Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
40 | Corkscrew Tail | Tail Rare | Howlite-Coreshard | N/A | |
41 | Thagomizer Tail | Tail Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
42 | Phoenix Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
43 | Zebra Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
44 | Rattlesnake Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
45 | Wasp Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
46 | Squirrel Tail | Tail Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
47 | Snake Tail | Tail Mythical | Tail is not solid, but features a separate mind to the dragon itself. | ||
48 | Peacock Tail | Tail Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
49 | Aurora Tail | Tail Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
50 | Lure Tail | Tail Mythical | Howlite | N/A | |
51 | Devil Tail | Tail Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
52 | Stinger Tail | Tail Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
53 | Spider Tail | Tail Event | Jragon | N/A | |
54 | Pumpkin Tail | Tail Event | Howlite | N/A | |
55 | Pine Tail | Tail Event | Jragon | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Dragon Wings | Wings Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Pteranodon Wings | Wings Common | Howlite | N/A | |
3 | Semi-Feathered Wings | Wings Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Grasper Wings | Wings Common | Howlite | N/A | |
5 | Shaped Wings | Wings Common | Jragon | N/A | |
6 | Split Wings | Wings Common | Jragon | N/A | |
7 | Bird Wings | Wings Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Fin Wings | Wings Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Sail Wings | Wings Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Pillar Wings | Wings Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Dragonfly Wings | Wings Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
12 | Moth Wings | Wings Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
13 | Tattered Wings | Wings Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
14 | Frilly Wings | Wings Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
15 | Steampunk Wings | Wings Uncommon | N/A | ||
16 | Fabric Wings | Wings Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
17 | Bat Wings | Wings Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
18 | Goo Wings | Wings Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
19 | Cobweb Wings | Wings Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
20 | Tattered Fabric Wings | Wings Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
21 | Furred Wings | Wings Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
22 | Beetle Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Butterfly Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
24 | Shortlight Wings | Wings Rare | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
25 | Jellyfish Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
26 | Shell Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
27 | Flower Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
28 | Cherub Wings | Wings Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
29 | Chibi Gargoyle Wings | Wings Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
30 | Phoenix Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
31 | Semi-Furred Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Gem-Plated Wings | Wings Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
33 | Segment Wings | Wings Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
34 | No Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
35 | Plateau Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | Appear as any kind of mountainous formation; can be raised platforms, ridges and other tall rock formations, and can have small waterfalls, clouds, trees, etc. on them. | |
36 | Mystic Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
37 | Cosmic Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
38 | Back Plates | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
39 | Aurora Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
40 | Spider Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
41 | Hardened Shell Wings | Wings Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
42 | Lacy Wings | Wings Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
43 | Mega Wings | Wings Mythical | Jragon | N/A | |
44 | Gripper Wings | Wings Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
45 | Eye Wings | Wings Event | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
46 | Lotus Wings | Wings Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
47 | Skeletal Wings | Wings Event | Sparkysandy | N/A | |
48 | Tendril Wings | Wings Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Standard Talons | Talons Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Paw Talons | Talons Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | Possesses sharp, hooked claws that are normally kept retracted, rather than large un-retractable claws like most talon types. | |
3 | Nothosaur Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Gecko Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
5 | Bear Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Rounded Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Webbed Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Steampunk Talons | Talons Uncommon | N/A | ||
9 | Serrated Talons | Talons Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Bat Talons | Talons Uncommon | Sparkysandy | N/A | |
11 | Hoof Talons | Talons Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
12 | Bird Talons | Talons Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Crystalline Talons | Talons Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Insect Talons | Talons Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
15 | Thero Talons | Talons Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
16 | Curled Talons | Talons Rare | Howlite | N/A | |
17 | Raptor Talons | Talons Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
18 | Mantis Talons | Talons Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Root Talons | Talons Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Fruit Diet | Diet Common | Cactus-Kaiju | Can eat any type of fruit or berry. | |
2 | Vegetable Diet | Diet Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Can eat any type of vegetable, tuber, melon and some types of low-growing berries such as strawberries. | |
3 | Flower Diet | Diet Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Can eat flowers, nectar, pollen, and most types of plants. Also referred to simply as the Plant Diet. | |
4 | Insect Diet | Diet Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Can eat any types of small invertebrate and some very small mammals such as mice. | |
5 | Fungus Diet | Diet Uncommon | Jragon | Can eat any types of fungus. Dragons with this diet are also immune to hallucinogenic or toxic properties of some fungi. | |
6 | Seafood Diet | Diet Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Can eat fish and other marine creatures. There seems to be a small, yet noticeable divide favouring salt-water or fresh-water foods. | |
7 | Worm Diet | Diet Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Oh worm, dragons with this diet eat worms. Worms, grubs, and other small gross worm-ish invertebrate. Slugs and snails are included. | |
8 | Fabric Diet | Diet Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | I gotta say, that's one hella big moth. | |
9 | Microorganism Diet | Diet Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Dragons with this diet primarily sift through air, water and earth to consume thousands of bacteria, plankton and other microscopic creatures. | |
10 | Meat Diet | Diet Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | Can eat mammals, birds, reptiles, whatever meaty thing they can find. For some, this occasionally includes humans. For others, it falls under a certain group... | |
11 | Candy Diet | Diet Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Can eat basically pure sugar, these dragons are rarely seen due to Icarusian lacking a lot of "candy" besides more naturally made things like honey products. | |
12 | Crystal Diet | Diet Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | Or more simply, Rock diet. Can eat virtually any minerals they come across, and can even just straight up eat dirt if they really want to. |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Bubble Breath Magic | Magic Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Air Magic | Magic Common | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Water Jet Magic | Magic Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Storm Magic | Magic Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
5 | Steam Magic | Magic Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Sound Magic | Magic Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Fire Magic | Magic Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
8 | Glitter Magic | Magic Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Lightning Magic | Magic Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Geo Magic | Magic Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Metal Magic | Magic Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
12 | Spore Magic | Magic Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
13 | Silk Magic | Magic Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
14 | Frost Magic | Magic Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
15 | Shadow Magic | Magic Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
16 | Light Magic | Magic Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
17 | Aurora Magic | Magic Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Emotion Magic | Magic Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Powder Magic | Magic Mythical | Howlite | Explosive powder that clings to anything it touches and burns. | |
20 | Ink Magic | Magic Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Plant Magic | Magic Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Pheromone Magic | Magic Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Poison Magic | Magic Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Standard Lantern | Lantern Common | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
2 | Jar Lantern | Lantern Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Bulb Lantern | Lantern Common | Jragon | N/A | |
4 | Barrel Lantern | Lantern Common | Jragon | N/A | |
5 | Decorated Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
6 | Lotus Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Droplet Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Diamond Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Lunar Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
10 | Shell Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
11 | Bunch Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
12 | Ace Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Axybrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Solar Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Steampunk Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | N/A | ||
15 | Lava Lamp Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
16 | Mushroom Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Jragon | N/A | |
17 | Wizard Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | Sparkysandy | N/A | |
18 | Flower Pot Lantern | Lantern Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Forest Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
20 | Demonic Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Spider Glass Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Nautilus Lantern | Lantern Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
23 | Waterfall Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
24 | Ember Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
25 | Sorcerer Lantern | Lantern Rare | Sparkysandy | N/A | |
26 | Crystal Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
27 | Cloud Lantern | Lantern Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
28 | Draconic Lantern | Lantern Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
29 | Terrarium Lantern | Lantern Mythical | AluneTune | N/A | |
30 | Galactic Lantern | Lantern Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
31 | Geode Lantern | Lantern Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Cauldron Lantern | Lantern Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Jack-o Lantern | Lantern Event | DepressedOatmeal | N/A | |
34 | Bone Lantern | Lantern Event | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
35 | Candy Bag Lantern | Lantern Event | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
36 | Toothy Lantern | Lantern Event | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
37 | Heart Lantern | Lantern Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
38 | Spider Lantern | Lantern Event | Jragon | N/A |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Fairy Lights Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
2 | Scales Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
3 | Tail Scales Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
4 | Limb Fur/Feathering Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
5 | Back Frill Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Tail Fin Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Tail Feathering Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | Porcupine Quills Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
9 | Lionfish Spines Mutation | Mutation Common | N/A | ||
10 | Body Membrane Mutation | Mutation Common | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes the growth of membranes along the back or legs. Dragons with this mutation can use it to glide for short distances, which can be helpful for a tired traveler. | |
11 | Goo Tongue Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | Jragon | The dragon's tongue consists of the same goopy substance as its tail. | |
12 | Goo Talons Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
13 | Leg Fins Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
14 | Body Spikes Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Note: If the spines are long enough, they can be moved like modified limbs! | |
15 | Spinal Fur Ridge Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
16 | Halo Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
17 | Animal Familiar Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
18 | Double-Wing Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
19 | Bush Mane Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | AluneTune | N/A | |
20 | Armoured Wing Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
21 | Spiky Wing Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
22 | Double-Tail Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
23 | Petal Tail Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
24 | Tusk Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
25 | Split Talons Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
26 | Spiked Tail Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
27 | Multi-Crest Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
28 | Horizontal Eyes Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | Howlite | N/A | |
29 | Glittery Aura Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
30 | Whisker Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Dragon can have up to six whiskers. | |
31 | Flower Tail Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
32 | Body Vines Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
33 | Vineback Mutation | Mutation Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes scalelike wood growths to form along the dragon's back, sprouting various vines. | |
34 | Gooey Mane Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
35 | Mushroom Growth Mutation | Mutation Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
36 | Talon Webbing Mutation | Mutation Rare | BillySketch | N/A | |
37 | Petal-Fur Talons Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
38 | Multi-Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
39 | Smoke Mane Mutation | Mutation Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
40 | Split-End Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
41 | Multi-Wing Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
42 | Hydra Mutation - 2 Heads | Mutation Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
43 | Hydra Mutation - 3 Heads | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
44 | Back Spikes Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
45 | Multi-Limb Mutation | Mutation Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
46 | Jar Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
47 | Gills Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes gills to grow on the dragon. Fur around the gills tends to grow shorter, and the gills can be on the neck, belly or around the base of the head where it connects to the neck. Gills can also be internal or external. | |
48 | Lake Mist Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
49 | Bubble-Ice Section Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
50 | Vines Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
51 | Flower Mane Mutation | Mutation Rare | AluneTune | N/A | |
52 | Condensed Acid Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
53 | Colour Change Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
54 | Fangs Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
55 | Crooked Tail Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
56 | Tail Objects Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
57 | Mist Aura Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
58 | Relic Plating Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Scaly plating that has the appearance of ruined buildings, often with moss or algae growing on them in places. | |
59 | Snail Shell Mutation | Mutation Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
60 | Dewlap Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
61 | Split-Jaw Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
62 | Vocal Sac Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | The dragon grows an inflatable sac on its neck used to create louder than average sounds. | |
63 | Heat Pits Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes the dragon to develop heat pits along the sides of its snout like a snake. | |
64 | Tail Magic Emitter Mutation | Mutation Rare | Jragon | N/A | |
65 | Smoke Breath Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
66 | Plumage Mutation | Mutation Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | Dragons grow patches of feathers on their bodies. | |
67 | Gem Horns Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Jragon | Causes the dragon's horns to grow like crystals. | |
68 | Double-Jawed Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Jragon | N/A | |
69 | Flame Talons Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
70 | Open Eyes Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
71 | Mystic Horns Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
72 | Glowing Patterns Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
73 | Continental Plate Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
74 | Doll Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Silverrain0 | N/A | |
75 | Armour-Spike Scale Mutation | Mutation Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
76 | Gembound Mutation | Mutation Mythical | BillySketch | N/A | |
77 | One-Open Eye Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
78 | Upside-Down Eye Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
79 | Janus Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
80 | Body Rings Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
81 | Floating Objects Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
82 | Glass Section Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Howlite | N/A | |
83 | Wyvern Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A dragon with this mutation has two back legs and no front legs. Not compatible with the Lindwyrm or Multi-Limb mutations. | |
84 | Lindwyrm Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A dragon with this mutation has two front legs and no back legs. Not compatible with the Wyvern or Multi-Limb mutations. | |
85 | Long Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Howlite | Causes the dragon's body to grow considerably longer than average. However, this can often make it much more difficult for a dragon to stand upright. | |
86 | Multi-Diet Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | Allows a dragon to have up to three different diet traits. | |
87 | Carapace Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A hard, glossy shell casing grows over the dragon's back, often to cover its wings. | |
88 | Neck Frill Mutation | Mutation Mythical | Skarath | N/A | |
89 | Golem Mutation | Mutation Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | The dragon grows a rocky outer shell (does not cover the tail), often growing moss along chips in the rock. | |
90 | Stitched Eyes Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
91 | Smoky Eyes Mutation | Mutation Event | BillySketch | N/A | |
92 | Skull Mask Mutation | Mutation Event | DepressedOatmeal | Causes a mask-like bone plating to grow over the dragon's face. If the dragon does not possess open eyes then the skull's eye/s will appear as hollow with small glowing lights as pupils. | |
93 | Skeleton Mutation | Mutation Event | Silverrain0 | N/A | |
94 | Transparent Sections Mutation | Mutation Event | Silverrain0 | N/A | |
95 | Pine-Needle Fur Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
96 | Tinsel Fur Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
97 | Stitching Mutation | Mutation Event | Jragon | N/A | |
98 | Bone Plating Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
99 | Ghostly Aura Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
100 | Pincushion Mutation | Mutation Event | ObsinBrightclaw | Spines grow out of the dragon's body, resembling pin needles. Compatible with the Stitching Mutation. | |
101 | Garland Mutation | Mutation Event | Jragon | Rings of somewhat sharp fur grow out of the dragon's mane. |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Bush Tail | Tail Special | AluneTune | N/A | |
2 | No Tail | Tail Special | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
3 | Dragon Tail | Tail Special | Cactus-Kaiju | N/A | |
4 | Monster Tail | Tail Special | Oxymoronn | N/A | |
5 | Magic Wings | Wings Special | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
6 | Space Magic | Magic Special | AxyBrightclaw | N/A | |
7 | Radiation Magic | Magic Special | ObsinBrightclaw | N/A | |
8 | External Boba Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Can also be only partial; eg. A dragon can have external boba while also still having some boba inside the tail. | |
9 | Magic Eyes Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Physical magic constantly seeps out from the back corners of the dragon's eyes. | |
10 | Multi-Boba Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Boba Dragons can have up to three different types of boba. | |
11 | Leaking Magic Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Magic forms physical masses that orbit the dragon who possesses them. | |
12 | Gel Limb Mutation | Mutation Special | BillySketch | Causes limbs and in some cases parts of wings to grow sections of goop the same consistency as the dragon's tail. Can also spread somewhat across the dragon's back. | |
13 | Crystalline Tail Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes the membrane of the tail to harden in a crystalline formation. Goop can no longer seep out, and the tail is slightly less flexible, however it does not cause any real negative effects. | |
14 | Melting Tail Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | Causes goop to seep out of the tail membrane at a much faster rate than is normal. This doesn't cause the dragon any harm, as it doesn't affect the membrane's properties, but does tend to leave a bit of a trail as the dragon moves. | |
15 | Multi-Magic Mutation | Mutation Special | ObsinBrightclaw | A dragon can possess up to four different magic types. |
ID | Name | Image | Type Rarity |
Creator | Info |
1 | Ancient Magic | Magic Unobtainable | ObsinBrightclaw | Cannot be obtained. Very dangerous, raw energy that can only safely be used by the deities. | |
2 | Shapeshifter Mutation | Mutation Unobtainable | ObsinBrightclaw | Dragons with this trait can shift into up to six different real world non-anthropomorphised creatures (eg. birds/dogs/cats/reptiles, and includes things like dinosaurs and other extinct animal species). Created during the 2020 Mid-Year Madness event. | |
3 | Back World Mutation | Mutation Unobtainable | ObsinBrightclaw | Allows a specific ecosystem to grow on the dragon's back - the ecosystem is never the exact same on any two dragons. Created for the 2020 1st Anniversary event. | |
4 | Elemental Morphing Mutation | Mutation Unobtainable | AxyBrightclaw | Gives a dragon the ability to morph parts of its body into its element at will (eg. fire magic dragons can burst into flames/melt as lava). Up to 80% of the dragon's body can be morphed for long periods of time, while full-body morphing can only be used for up to a day before needing to rest. Created for the 2020 1st Anniversary event. | |
5 | Body Eyes Mutation | Mutation Unobtainable | ObsinBrightclaw | The dragon has eyes all over its body. (Cannot be added to the head, and doesn't count towards eye numbers). Created for the 2020 1st Anniversary event. | |
6 | Body Mouths Mutation | Mutation Unobtainable | ObsinBrightclaw | The dragon has mouths all over its body. (Cannot be added to the head, and doesn't count towards split-jaw or double-jaw mutations). Created for the 2020 Halloween event. |